local stuff for local (gov) people

about ideas

I believe that everyone can come up with awesome and cool and successful ideas.

I don't think that some people are innately good or bad at ideas. I like to think we all have a built in idea success rate (e.g. 0.5%). Some people are lucky and hit on a good idea quickly. Others need to keep plugging away for a while before they hit gold. If you haven't been successful yet you aren't rubbish at ideas.

To increase your chances

It's a mermaid diagram 🧜‍♀️ - find out more and have a go in the live editor or check out the docs

Unfortunately, either Bear blog can't render Mermaid from a markdown codeblock, or I can't work out how to do it 🥴, so the preview above is from the Mermaid live editor and here's the actual code:

flowchart LR
    A(have a thought 🤔 💡) --> B(be able to translate the thought <br>into the structure of a thing)
    B --> C(build the thing 🛠)
    C --> D(the thought has become<br> a real thing! 🌟)
    E(have knowledge of<br> how things can be made)--> B
    F(have experience and skill<br> building things)--> B

Recent posts with tag "things i looked at":

#random thoughts