local stuff for local (gov) people

back to work

back to work after 2 weeks off! hope everyone enjoyed the break from my relentless posting.

do I now

A: read emails, get up to date on work, think of a topic, come back and post something useful and work-related
B: start writing a thing now with no real direction but a brain that's not swirling with work for once

lets do B

first off I left my notebooks at home so that's annoying as half my thoughts are in there. i had been whirling around on the improving collaboration stuff (as per half baked ideas) and on using ML / LLMs for something more strategic (as per brain dump after Town Hall 2030)
but I haven't got there yet 😵

I think the stumbling block is going to be that anything you want to do with a computer needs good data to run on and we don't have that
either our data is a muddle or the information we need literally doesn't exist in a digital form

so maybe I need to put more time into pondering on that
and I think I need to think more about problems not just cool stuff

for example, today

for example, yesterday

I used the google to set a timer to not forget about the pasta. that means

useful things I have experienced

that make me realise we do actually live in the future when you really think about it

#random thoughts #thinking out loud