local stuff for local (gov) people

Data Thing Part 3: The Microsoft bit

It's time for our meeting with Microsoft. It's a bit awkward as I don't really know what I want to ask. I know what we have, and I know what we want things to be like. Can they fill in the gaps (and how much will it cost)? 💸


It sounds like Microsoft Fabric is the answer! It's... a thing where we put data... and something something cloud something something Azure...? Did this used to be Dataverse? It's got warehouses AND lakes!

The specialist is very helpful and sends me some case studies and links for Microsoft partners who can help us. It all sounds lovely but a bit out of our £0 budget. They also point us to some online training and resources:

What is Microsoft Fabric?

Get started with Microsoft Fabric

The first module in the Get Started course is a good overview of the platform.

YouTube to the rescue

I feel like I get the idea of what Fabric is, but I still don't have a clear idea of where we would start, and I feel like I'd struggle to explain it to someone non-technical. Which I need to be able to do if we plan to do anything that needs funding.

I come across Learn Microsoft Fabric with Will 🙌

His videos Learn the Fundamentals of Microsoft Fabric in 38 minutes and Microsoft Fabric: Data Warehouse vs Lakehouse vs KQL Database are great. Big respect to Will 🙏

We have the beginnings of a plan!

We are going to set up a Lakehouse using the trial Fabric subscription. I discover I accidentally activated the trial a while ago 😳 so I grovel to Microsoft to have the clock reset, as we only have 20 days left.

Watch this space...

#data thing