local stuff for local (gov) people

Data Thing Part 5: What shall we call the not technical bit?

I have been doing a bunch of stuff on "data thing" since the last post. A bunch of different stuffs, none of which could be described as done. But rather than wait for something to be concluded I thought I'd write up a bit on what's been going on so far:

The online training

I kept on working through Get started with Microsoft Fabric - Training | Microsoft Learn which is very good. It doesn't take as long as advertised, and you can easily pick and choose which bits to complete. I find working through the labs helps me get how I would apply something in my work.
I also took a little detour into Design a semantic model in Power BI - Training | Microsoft Learn

Coming up with a plan

I booked a meeting with my team next Monday to run through:

This means I'll have to have some kind of answers to all of those things by next week or I'll look like a fool. Otherwise, I could fart-arse about with tutorials forever.

Some high level stuff

I kept working on my rough outline of a report that would go to board to get approval to spend on the compute licences. My notes always start all fuzzy and scattered and gradually get rewritten and rewritten until they come into focus.

One element of this project I want to focus on is the importance of the strategic / soft skills / conceptual skills. Except none of those words really made sense for what I wanted to say. Throwback to school when my English teacher wrote in my report I had a limited vocabulary, she said it was from reading too much Calvin and Hobbes.

I'd say I default to plain English mode. 😁

Anyway, I decided to ask my chum Claude for help. It's easy to chat to an AI bot about stuff like that where you don't have to worry about sounding like a tit dumping a garbled misspelt question on them. He came up with some options including Holistic which is for sure the one.

The technical stuff and the holistic stuff

For this project to be a success we need more than just technical skills (both in ICT and for our end users). The holistic stuff I have been thinking about currently looks like:

This bit is still in the middle of the scrappy notes phase, so it may make more sense in a later instalment of blog 😵

#data thing