local stuff for local (gov) people

Data Thing Part 6: What am I talking about? Turns out I don't know*

Sooo the last time I wrote one of these I said I was going to hold a meeting with my team to run through a load of stuff and it was definitely going to make me get everything all organised and coherent.

Spoiler alert: it did not

We ran through how we could design our data setup in Fabric, what I'd looked at so far and what the next steps would be:

However, when it came to describing the whole project to someone higher up the chain, with no experience of Fabric or Power BI, I realised I was pretty unprepared. And too used to speaking to technical people where I can take for granted that they already know what its for and how it works.

So my main takeaway was I need to work on my messaging before we go to board for funding. I need to be able to explain

really quickly before people lose interest 😴. And I can't rely on gesturing wildly at a pyspark notebook and scribbling a load of circles and lines on a piece of paper.

Peace and quiet and A3 paper ✏

I often find the best way for me to focus my ideas from the blurry mess is to write out what I'm doing with real pen and paper.
I like to use A3 sheets nicked out the printer draw because it's easy to jumble them up (unlike a notepad that has to be in order) and they are BIG and don't have lines.
I now have 3 sheets of diagrams and notes and a clear answer that I wish I'd got prepared before my meeting 😅

Firewall business

For anyone else looking into setting up an On Premise Data Gateway to link to on prem databases here is the article I used to find out the security changes we needed to make: On-premises data gateway considerations for data destinations in Dataflow Gen2.
It took me a while to figure out as once I set up the gateway I could see my on prem data in the Power Query preview so it appeared to be all good. But when I ran the Dataflow Gen2 job it would fail with the error:
Query_WriteToDataDestination: Mashup Exception Data Source Error Couldn't refresh the entity because of an issue with the mashup document MashupException.Error: Microsoft SQL: A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake.

Which was because the activator couldn't access the SQL endpoint for the Lakehouse.

* Clarification - I do know, but I didn't get all the right words assembled to explain it 🥴

#data thing